Indian Bollywood actress Madhuri Dixit Nene (L) and her husband Dr. Sriram Nene pose for a photograph at the premiere of the Hindi film ‘Dedh Ishqiya’ in Mumbai on late January 9, 2014. (AFP)
Indian Bollywood actress Humaa Qureshi poses for a photograph at the premiere of the Hindi film ‘Dedh Ishqiya’ in Mumbai on late January 9, 2014. (AFP)
Indian Bollywood actress Madhuri Dixit Nene poses for a photograph at the premiere of the Hindi film ‘Dedh Ishqiya’ in Mumbai on late January 9, 2014. (AFP)
Indian Bollywood actor Arshad Warsi (L) and his wife Maria Goretti pose for a photograph at the premiere of the Hindi film ‘Dedh Ishqiya’ in Mumbai on late January 9, 2014. (AFP)
Indian Bollywood actress Kalki Koechlin poses for a photograph at the premiere of the Hindi film ‘Dedh Ishqiya’ in Mumbai on late January 9, 2014. (AFP)