Superstar Salman Khan along with his 'Jai Ho' team were on the sets of popular show 'Comedy Nights With Kapil'.
Salman Khan, his leading lady Daisy Shah and brother cum director Sohali Khan were in spilts during the show.
Salman entered the sets looking very calm, composed and dignified. But very soon, he was reduced to tears and was seen falling off his couch thanks to the antics of the loveable Dadi and the innocent Palak.
Sohail and Kapil share a very special bond as Sohail was one of the judges for 'Comedy Circus', the show that gave Kapil the much needed recognition before he branched out on his own.
Kapil was very excited to have both the brothers on his show and wrote on twitter, “Shooting with Salman Bhai and Sohail Bhai.”
Indian Bollywood film actors Salman Khan (C) and Daisy Shah perfrom during the promotion of the upcoming Hindi film 'Jai ho' on the set of the TV Hindi show, 'Comedy Night with Kapil' in Mumbai on January 9, 2014. (AFP)
Indian Bollywood film actor Salman Khan performs during the promotion of the upcoming Hindi film 'Jai ho' on the set of the TV Hindi show, 'Comedy Night with Kapil' in Mumbai on January 9, 2014. AFP
Indian Bollywood film actor Salman Khan performs during the promotion of the upcoming Hindi film 'Jai ho' on the set of the TV Hindi show, 'Comedy Night with Kapil' in Mumbai on January 9, 2014. AFP