Indian Bollywood actor Sunny Deol poses during the first look of the upcoming Hindi film "Singh Saab the Great" in Mumbai on August 29, 2013. AFP
Indian Bollywood actor Sunny Deol poses during the first look of the upcoming Hindi film "Singh Saab the Great" in Mumbai on August 29, 2013. AFP
Indian Bollywood actors (L-R) Amrita Rao, Sunny Deol, and Urvashi Rautela pose during the first look of the upcoming Hindi film "Singh Saab the Great" in Mumbai on August 29, 2013. AFP
Indian Bollywood actress Amrita Rao poses during the first look of the upcoming Hindi film "Singh Saab the Great" in Mumbai on August 29, 2013. AFP
Indian Bollywood actors (L-R) Amrita Rao, Sunny Deol, director Anil Sharma, Urvashi Rautela and Anjali Abrol pose during the first look of the upcoming Hindi film "Singh Saab the Great" in Mumbai on August 29, 2013. AFP