Hollywood actor Hugh Jackman (C), director James Mangold (L), actress Tao (2nd L), actress Rila Fukushima (2nd R), and actor Hiroyuki Sanada (R) pose during a photo session at the Japanese premiere of "The Wolverine" in Tokyo on August 28, 2013. The film will be released nationwide from September 13. AFP
Hollywood actor Hugh Jackman (R) and a girl share a laugh during a photo session at the Japanese premiere of "The Wolverine" in Tokyo on August 28, 2013. The film will be released nationwide from September 13. AFP
Hollywood actor Hugh Jackman (C) is surrounded by fans at the Japanese premiere of "The Wolverine" in Tokyo on August 28, 2013. The film will be released nationwide from September 13. AFP
Hollywood actor Hugh Jackman (R) is surrounded by fans at the Japanese premiere of "The Wolverine" in Tokyo on August 28, 2013. The film will be released nationwide from September 13. AFP
Hollywood actor Hugh Jackman (L) tries to kiss with a woman on a stage at the Japanese premiere of "The Wolverine" in Tokyo on August 28, 2013. The film will be released nationwide from September 13. AFP
Hollywood actor Hugh Jackman attends the Japanese premiere of "The Wolverine" in Tokyo on August 28, 2013. The film will be released nationwide from September 13. AFP
Hollywood actor Hugh Jackman (C) gives a televison interview at the Japanese premiere of "The Wolverine: Samuari" in Tokyo on August 28, 2013. The film will be released nationwide from September 13. AFP