Bollywood actor Priyanka Chopra, center, poses with two members of the audience after the launch of the initiative "Our Girls Our Pride" in New Delhi, India, Monday, Aug 19, 2013. "Our Girls Our Pride" aims to create awareness about issues related to the girl child in India. (AP)
Bollywood actor Priyanka Chopra gestures during the launch of the initiative "Our Girls Our Pride" in New Delhi, India, Monday, Aug 19, 2013. "Our Girls Our Pride" aims to create awareness about issues related to the girl child in India. (AP)
Bollywood actor Priyanka Chopra gestures during the launch of the initiative "Our Girls Our Pride" in New Delhi, India, Monday, Aug 19, 2013. "Our Girls Our Pride" aims to create awareness about issues related to the girl child in India. (AP)
Bollywood actor Priyanka Chopra gestures during the launch of the initiative "Our Girls Our Pride" in New Delhi, India, Monday, Aug 19, 2013. "Our Girls Our Pride" aims to create awareness about issues related to the girl child in India. (AP)