Indian Bollywood actress Nargis Fakhri poses during a promotional event for the upcoming Hindi film 'Main Tera Hero' in Mumbai on March 4, 2014. AFP
Varun Dhawan is ensuring that his film gets maximum mileage in the press.
The actor and his co star Nargis Fakhri, not only travelled in an open bus around the suburbs of Mumbai, but also danced their way among audiences on the road.
The event culminated with producer Ekta Kapoor and other cast and crew joining them in the thingamajig.
Indian Bollywood actress Nargis Fakhri poses on a double-decker bus during a promotional event for the upcoming Hindi film 'Main Tera Hero' in Mumbai on March 4, 2014. AFP
Indian Bollywood actors Varun Dhawan (R) and Nargis Fakhri pose on a double-decker bus during a promotional event for their upcoming Hindi film 'Main Tera Hero' in Mumbai on March 4, 2014. AFP
Indian Bollywood actors Varun Dhawan (R) and Nargis Fakhri pose on a double-decker bus during a promotional event for their upcoming Hindi film 'Main Tera Hero' in Mumbai on March 4, 2014. AFP
Indian Bollywood actors Varun Dhawan (R) and Nargis Fakhri pose on a double-decker bus during a promotional event for their upcoming Hindi film 'Main Tera Hero' in Mumbai on March 4, 2014. AFP
Indian Bollywood actors Varun Dhawan (L) and Nargis Fakhri pose on a double-decker bus during a promotional event for their upcoming Hindi film 'Main Tera Hero' in Mumbai on March 4, 2014. AFP