Indian Bollywood actors Priyanka Chopra (L) and Ranveer Singh (R) interact during a promotional event for the forthcoming Hindi film "Gunday" in Mumbai. AFP
Indian Bollywood actors Priyanka Chopra (L) and Ranveer Singh (R) interact during a promotional event for the forthcoming Hindi film "Gunday" in Mumbai. AFP
Indian Bollywood actors Priyanka Chopra (L) and Ranveer Singh (R) greet media during a promotional event for the forthcoming Hindi film "Gunday" in Mumbai. AFP
Indian Bollywood actors Priyanka Chopra (L) and Ranveer Singh (R) pose for a photograph during a promotional event for the forthcoming Hindi film "Gunday" in Mumbai. AFP
Indian Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra poses for a photograph during a promotional event for the forthcoming Hindi film "Gunday" in Mumbai. AFP
Indian Bollywood actors Priyanka Chopra (L) and Arjun Kapoor pose for a photograph during a promotional event for the forthcoming Hindi film "Gunday" in Mumbai. AFP
Indian Bollywood actors Arjun Kapoor (L), Priyanka Chopra (C) and Ranveer Singh (R) pose for a photograph during a promotional event for the forthcoming Hindi film "Gunday" in Mumbai. AFP
Indian Bollywood actors Arjun Kapoor (L), Priyanka Chopra (C) and Ranveer Singh (R) interact during a promotional event for the forthcoming Hindi film "Gunday" in Mumbai. AFP
Indian Bollywood actors Arjun Kapoor (L), Priyanka Chopra (C) and Ranveer Singh (R) pose for a photograph during a promotional event for the forthcoming Hindi film "Gunday" in Mumbai. AFP