Tamil actor Brinda Parekh tied the knot with Ajay in Mumbai recently.
The blushing bride was wearing an Indian ensemble and when our lensman took a closer look, it came to his notice that the bride had teamed up her off-white, goldren, maroon and neon-pink lehenga (Indian skirt) with a neon pink blouse and dupatta as well as a maroon blouse and dupatta.
The bride might have thought that she would have to change in a hurry in order to make it on time from one wedding function to another, but it does not mean that you recycle part of your wedding dress in multiple functions. It's a strict no-no among all brides.
So, what made this bride wear the same wedding lehenga and team it up with different accessories. Please notice, the hairstyle is different, but the lehenga remains the same. Can someone pray explain this phenomenon?
Singer Hariharan, adult actor Poonam Jhawar attended the ceremony as well.
These pictures of the wedding seem to suggest part of the outfits - the ghagra - are more or less the same, sparking a debate about whether the South Indian star wore the same bottome half of the ensemble on the same day, or two different days.
Either way, as the pictures below show, the bride looked resplendent.