Madhuri Dixit displays an outfit by Indian designer Manish Malhotra during a fashion show to support the cause of saving and empowering the female child in Mumbai, India. (AP)
Lara Dutta displays an outfit by Indian designer Manish Malhotra during a fashion show to support the cause of saving and empowering the female child in Mumbai, India. (AP)
Prety Zinta displays an outfit by Indian designer Manish Malhotra during a fashion show to support the cause of saving and empowering the female child in Mumbai, India. (AP)
Madhuri Dixit (AP)
Madhuri Dixit, left, Lara Dutta right, and Prety Zinta wear designs by Indian designer Manish Malhotra, second left, during a fashion show to support the cause of saving and empowering the female child in Mumbai. (AP)