In this photograph taken on September 28, 2002, an Indian police officer inspects damage to the bumper of a white Toyota Land Cruiser vehicle belonging to Bollywood actor Salman Khan in Mumbai. An Indian court on December 10, 2015, has cleared Bollywood superstar Salman Khan of killing a homeless man in a hit-and-run crash 13 years ago, acquitting him of all charges after he appealed his conviction. The Bombay High Court said a lower court had erred in finding the 49-year-old guilty of culpable homicide and other charges after a closely watched trial in May when he was sentenced to five years in prison. (AFP)
Salman Khan walks from Bombay High Court in Mumbai. (AFP)
The court cleared Bollywood superstar Salman Khan of killing a homeless man in a hit-and-run crash 13 years ago, acquitting him of all charges after he appealed his conviction. (AFP)
Salman Khan is driven away in a vehicle from Bombay High Court in Mumbai. (AFP)
Indian bystanders cling onto the iron fencing of Bombay High Court in Mumbai. (AFP)
Indian bystanders cling onto the iron fencing of Bombay High Court in Mumbai on December 10, 2015, as they attempt to catch a glimpse of Bollywood actor Salman Khan after being acquitted of of culpable homicide. (AFP)