Indian Bollywood actress Hema Malini (C) poses for a photograph alongside daughters the actress Esha Deol-Takhtani (R) Bollywood actress Ahana Deol (L) during Deol's 'mehndi' bridal ceremony at her home in Mumbai on January 31, 2014. AFP
Indian Bollywood actress Hema Malini (C) poses for a photograph alongside daughters the actress Esha Deol-Takhtani (R) Bollywood actress Ahana Deol (L) during Deol's 'mehndi' bridal ceremony at her home in Mumbai on January 31, 2014. AFP
Indian Bollywood actress Hema Malini (C) poses for a photograph alongside daughters the actress Esha Deol-Takhtani (R) Bollywood actress Ahana Deol (L) during Deol's 'mehndi' bridal ceremony at her home in Mumbai on January 31, 2014. AFP
Indian Bollywood actress Hema Malini (C) poses for a photograph alongside daughters the actress Esha Deol-Takhtani (R) Bollywood actress Ahana Deol (L) during Deol's 'mehndi' bridal ceremony at her home in Mumbai on January 31, 2014. AFP
Indian Bollywood actress Hema Malini (C) poses for a photograph alongside daughter and actress Esha Deol (2R), son-in-law Bharat Takhtani (1R), Bollywood actress Ahana Deol (1L) and her fiance Vaibhav Arora (L), during Deol's 'mehndi' bridal ceremony at her home in Mumbai on January 31, 2014. AFP
Indian Bollywood actress Hema Malini (C) poses for a photograph alongside daughter and actress Esha Deol (2R), son-in-law Bharat Takhtani (1R), Bollywood actress Ahana Deol (1L) and her fiance Vaibhav Arora (L), during Deol's 'mehndi' bridal ceremony at her home in Mumbai on January 31, 2014. AFP
Indian Bollywood actress Ahana Deol (L) and her fiance Vaibhav Arora pose during her 'mehndi' bridal ceremony at her home in Mumbai on January 31, 2014. AFP