Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden arrives for a dinner with Hannelore Kraft (R), Governor of North Rhine-Westphalia during her visit to North Rhine-Westphalia at Castle of Eller in Dusseldorf, Germany. (Photo Getty Images)
Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden (Photo Getty Images)
(Photo Getty Images)
Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden (C) and Prince Daniel of Sweden (R) arrive for a dinner with Hannelore Kraft (L), Governor of North Rhine-Westphalia during their visit to North Rhine-Westphalia at Castle of Eller in Dusseldorf, Germany. (Photo Getty Images)
Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel of Sweden attend the 'Modern Green Cities' conference at the Chamber of Commerce in Hamburg, Germany. (Photo Getty Images)
(Photo Getty Images)
(Photo Getty Images)
Crown Princess Victoria Of Sweden arrives for a visit of the HafenCity at Infocenter Kesselhaus in Hamburg, Germany. (Photo Getty Images)
(Photo Getty Images)