Indian Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar, center, and actress Amy Jackson sit on a tractor as they arrive at the trailer launch of their upcoming film “Singh is Bling” in Mumbai, India, Wednesday, Aug. 19, 2015. The film will be released on Oct. 2. (AP)
Indian artists perform as Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar, left, and actress Amy Jackson, sitting on a tractor, arrive at the trailer launch of their upcoming film “Singh is Bling” in Mumbai, India, Wednesday, Aug. 19, 2015. The film will be released on Oct. 2. (AP)
Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar performs during the trailer launch of his upcoming film “Singh is Bling” in Mumbai, India, Wednesday, Aug. 19, 2015. The film will be released on Oct. 2. (AP)