Indian Bollywood actors Shahid Kapoor (L) and Alia Bhatt pose for a photograph during a promotional event for the forthcoming Hindi film 'Shaandaar' directed by Vikas Bahl in Mumbai on August 11, 2015. AFP
Indian Bollywood actors Shahid Kapoor (L) and Alia Bhatt pose for a photograph during a promotional event for the forthcoming Hindi film 'Shaandaar' directed by Vikas Bahl in Mumbai on August 11, 2015. AFP
Indian Bollywood actors Shahid Kapoor (L) and Alia Bhatt pose for a photograph during a promotional event for the forthcoming Hindi film 'Shaandaar' directed by Vikas Bahl in Mumbai on August 11, 2015. AFP
Indian Bollywood actors Shahid Kapoor (L) and Alia Bhatt look on during a promotional event for the forthcoming Hindi film 'Shaandaar' directed by Vikas Bahl in Mumbai on August 11, 2015. AFP
Indian Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor poses for a photograph during a promotional event for the forthcoming Hindi film 'Shaandaar' directed by Vikas Bahl in Mumbai on August 11, 2015. AFP
Indian Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt poses during launch of the trailer ahead of the release of the Hindi film ‘Shaandaar’ in Mumbai late August 11, 2015. AFP
Indian Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt gestures during launch of the trailer ahead of the release of the Hindi film ‘Shaandaar’ in Mumbai late August 11, 2015. AFP
Indian Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt gestures during launch of the trailer ahead of the release of the Hindi film ‘Shaandaar’ in Mumbai late August 11, 2015. AFP