Kerry Washington, left, a cast member in the television series "Scandal," greets Indian actress Priyanka Chopra, a cast member in the television series "Quantico," at the Disney ABC Television Group party during the 2015 Television Critics Association Summer Press Tour at the Beverly Hilton. (AP)
Kerry Washington a cast member in the television series "Scandal," poses with Indian actress Priyanka Chopra. (AP)
Priyanka Chopra (AP)
Guillermo Diaz, Bellamy Young, Kerry Washington and Katie Lowes, cast members in the television series "Scandal," pose together at the Disney ABC Television Group party. (AP)
Kerry Washington and Bellamy Young (AP)
Executive producer Mark Gordon, from left, actress Priyanka Chopra, and writer/executive producer Joshua Safran appear during the "Quantico" panel at the Disney/ABC Summer TCA Tour at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. (AP)
Priyanka Chopra speaks during the "Quantico" panel at the Disney/ABC Summer TCA Tour. (AP)