Priyanka Chopra attends the 'GUESS Loves Priyanka' VIP Dinner at the London Edition Hotel in London, England. (Photo Getty Images)
Priyanka Chopra and Lucinda Spera (Photo Getty Images)
(L to R) Siva Kaneswaran, Priyanka Chopra, David Gandy and Oliver Cheshire (Photo Getty Images)
Priyanka Chopra and Siva Kaneswaran (Photo Getty Images)
Priyanka Chopra, Pixie Lott and Eliza Doolittle (Photo Getty Images)
Priyanka Chopra and David Gandy (Photo Getty Images)
Priyanka Chopra and DJ Nihal attend 'GUESS Loves Priyanka' at the GUESS Regent Street store in London, England. (Photo Getty Images)
Priyanka Chopra meets fans at 'GUESS Loves Priyanka' at the GUESS Regent Street store. (Photo Getty Images)
(Photo Getty Images)
(Photo Getty Images)