Tom Cruise, star of the upcoming film "Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation," addresses the audience during a surprise appearance at the Paramount Pictures presentation at CinemaCon 2015 at Caesars Palace. (AP)
Tom Cruise, Simon Pegg and Rebecca Ferguson. (AP)
Arnold Schwarzenegger, star of the upcoming film "Terminator Genisys," exits the stage after addressing the audience during the Paramount Pictures presentation at CinemaCon 2015 at Caesars Palace. (AP)
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tom Cruise attend The State of the Industry: Past, Present and Future and Paramount Pictures Presentation at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace during CinemaCon, the official convention of the National Association of Theatre Owners. (Getty Images)
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Vice Chairman of Paramount Pictures Rob Moore and actor Tom Cruise. (Getty Images)
Arnold Schwarzenegger speaks onstage during The State of the Industry: Past, Present and Future. (Getty Images)
Tom Cruise and Rebecca Ferguson in "Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation". (AP)
Tom Cruise and Rebecca Ferguson (AP)
Arnold Schwarzenegger in a scene from "Terminator: Genisys” (AP)