Priyanka Chopra, second from right, shakes hands with Dr. Pallavi Patel, second from left, and her husband, Dr. Kiran Patel, left, with Mayor Bob Buckhorn, center, and Anil Kapoor, right, during a news conference at the Tampa Theater announcing the IIFA's (International Indian Film Academy) debut in Tampa, Fla. The media tour features Bollywood stars Anil Kapoor (from "Slumdog Millionaire") & Priyanka Chopra (Indian film actress and singer, and was the winner of the Miss World pageant of 2000). (AP)
Priyanka Chopra, center, during a news conference at the Tampa Theater announcing the IIFA's (International Indian Film Academy) debut in Tampa. (AP)
Anil Kapoor speaks during a news conference at the Tampa Theater announcing the IIFA's (International Indian Film Academy) debut in Tampa. (AP)
The DK Dance Pak, made up from dancers from across the state, performs to music from Bollywood films during a news conference at the Tampa Theater announcing the IIFA's (International Indian Film Academy) debut in Tampa. (AP)