Fergie, who is expecting a baby boy in September, tweeted this cute snap as she celebrated her baby shower with friends in LA. (TWITTER)
Lance Bass tweeted this fun pic from the festivities with the caption, 'My first ever Gayby shower! Who knew?!'. (TWITTER)
George Kotsiopoulos tweeted this fun pic with co-star Kelly and host with the most Fergie, calling it the 'best #GaybyShower ever!!!' (Instagram)
Perez Hilton and his adorable baby son Mario Armando Lavandeira III. (Instagram)
Kylie Jenner's big sister Kim Kardashian is expected to be amongst the party guests when she turns 16 on August 17. (TWITTER)
Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner at the MTV Movie Awards in Sony Pictures Studio Lot in Culver City. (AP)
Kim Kardashian (AP)