Anissa Blondin, Miss Belgium 2014; Noyonita Lodh, Miss India 2014; and Elvira Devinamira, Miss Indonesia 2014; getting ready for the OPTX Eyewear putting contest at Trump National Doral Miami. (AFP)
Anissa Blondin, Miss Belgium 2014; Noyonita Lodh, Miss India 2014; and Gaylyne Ayugi, Miss Kenya 2014; showing off their new Blue Love sunglasses they received for winning the OPTX Eyewear putting contest at Trump National Doral Miami. (AFP)
Noyonita Lodh, 2014. (AFP)
Nia Sanchez, Miss USA 2014. (AFP)
Saly Greige, Miss Lebanon 2014. (AFP)
Donald Trump teeing off at the newly renovated Red Tiger course at the Trump National Doral Miami on January 12, 2015 before Gabriela Isler, Miss Universe 2013, and the contestants of the 63rd Annual MISS UNIVERSE Pageant in Florida. (AFP)
Silvia Prochadzkova, Miss Slovak Republic 2014, teeing off at the newly renovated Red Tiger course at the Trump National Doral Miami. (AFP)
Ana Luisa Montufar, Miss Guatemala 2014, viewing images at Food for the Poor. (AFP)
Chanel Beckenlehner, Miss Canada 2014, taking part in the OPTX Eyewear putting contest at Trump National Doral Miami. (AFP)