Sanjay Dutt with his wife Maanyata and children Shahraan (bottom R) and Iqraa (bottom L) as he prepares to return to the Yerwada Jail after the end of his furlough in Mumbai. (AFP)
Sanjay Dutt is pictured with his children Shahraan (bottom L) and Iqraa (bottom R) as he prepares to return to the Yerwada Jail after the end of his furlough in Mumbai. (AFP)
Sanjay Dutt hugs an unidentified relative as he prepares to return to the Yerwada Jail after the end of his furlough in Mumbai. (AFP)
Sanjay Dutt is seen off by his sister Priya Dutt as he leaves for Yerawada Jail. (Getty Images)
Sanjay Dutt with wife Manyata and kids before leaving for Yerawada Jail to serve the remainder of his term after 14-day-long furlough ended. (Getty Images)
Dutt was convicted for illegal possession and destruction of an AK-56 army assault rifle during the 1993 Mumbai communal conflagration before the March 12, 1993 serial bomb blasts in the city. (Getty Images)