Uday Singh, younger brother of Bollywood actor Vikram Singh (Heropanti and LocoVicky), and Shirin Morani's, sangeet ceremony took place at a hotel in juhu, the theme of which was winter snow which makes everybody feels cold with snow all around the place. This Party turned out to be a star studded affair with bollywood stars Shahrukh Khan, Hrithik Roshan, Madhuri Dixit, Riteish Deshmukh, Zayed Khan, Jacky Bhagnani, Ramesh Sippy with wife Kiran Juneja, Padmini Kolhapure, Poonam Dhillon, Bhagyashree, Ronit Roy, Shiamak Dawar, Gauhar Khan, Sonu Nigam, Sukhwinder Singh, and others in attendance. Singer Shaan was seen gracing the occasion with his beautiful wife.
Bollywood's King Khan was seen blessing and hugging the couple. He danced with the couple and performed on 'kal ho na ho' track being sung live by Sonu Nigam. Hrithik Roshan was the first to arrive who was the cynosure of all eyes at the occasion. He looks very handsome in red and beige Sherwani. Amongst all the performances, Singer Shaan dedicated a song to the 'to be wedded' couple.
Shirin is the daughter of Anil Morani, the director of Cineyug Entertainment. She looked beautiful in a heavily embellished purple coloured lehenga. Vikram Singh showed his heropanti on stage with an energetic performance from his film's tracks.
A galaxy of Bollywood stars attended the sangeet ceremony which was glittering with their presence. Kanika Kapoor and Shalmali Kholgade made the attendees groove to her famous tunes. Others who were present at the event were Shweta Pandit, Nigar Khan, Armaan Malik, Karan Patel, Marzi, Terence Lewis, Deepshika, Vindu Dara Singh, Simi Garewal, Sunny shah and Manish Paul.