Indian Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma attends the launch of the official mobile game for the upcoming Hindi film 'PK' in Mumbai on December 12, 2014. (AFP)
Indian Bollywood actors Anushka Sharma (C), Aamir Khan (R)m, and director Rajkumar Hirani (L) during the launch of the official mobile game for their upcoming Hindi film 'PK' in Mumbai on December 12, 2014. (AFP)
Indian Bollywood actors Anushka Sharma (L) and Aamir Khan during the launch of the official mobile game for their upcoming Hindi film 'PK' in Mumbai on December 12, 2014. (AFP)
Indian Bollywood actors Anushka Sharma (L) and Aamir Khan during the launch of the official mobile game for their upcoming Hindi film 'PK' in Mumbai on December 12, 2014. (AFP)