Indian Bollywood Actor Shah Rukh Khan attends a signing event as the new brand ambassador for the DHFL housing finance company in Mumbai on November 21, 2014. AFP
Indian Bollywood Actor Shah Rukh Khan (R) interacts with DHFL Managing Director Kapil Wadhawan during a signing event as the new brand ambassador for the housing finance company in Mumbai on November 21, 2014. AFP
Indian Bollywood Actor Shah Rukh Khan attends a signing event as the new brand ambassador for the DHFL housing finance company in Mumbai on November 21, 2014. AFP
Indian Bollywood Actor Shah Rukh Khan attends a signing event as the new brand ambassador for the DHFL housing finance company in Mumbai on November 21, 2014. AFP
Indian Bollywood Actor Shah Rukh Khan attends a signing event as the new brand ambassador for the DHFL housing finance company in Mumbai on November 21, 2014. AFP
Indian Bollywood Actor Shah Rukh Khan attends a signing event as the new brand ambassador for the DHFL housing finance company in Mumbai on November 21, 2014. AFP
Indian Bollywood Actor Shah Rukh Khan (R) shakes hands with DHFL Managing Director Kapil Wadhawan during a signing event as the new brand ambassador for the housing finance company in Mumbai on November 21, 2014. AFP