Aamir Khan with his wife Kiran Rao attend a screening of the documentary film 'After My Garden Grows' directed and produced by Megan Mylan. (AFP)
Imran Khan with his wife Avantika Malik attend a screening of the documentary film 'After My Garden Grows' directed and produced by Megan Mylan. (AFP)
Kangana Ranaut attends a screening of the documentary film 'After My Garden Grows' directed and produced by Megan Mylan in Mumbai. (AFP)
Hrithik Roshan attends an event for the upcoming Hindi film Sharafat Gayi Tel Lene in Mumbai. (AFP)
Rannvijay Singha, Hrithik Roshan and Zayed Khan. (AFP)
Imran Khan attends a prayer meeting for Bollywood film producer and director Ravi Chopra in Mumbai. (AFP)