Bollywood actor Priyanka Chopra attended the 8 edition of the Abu Dhabi Film Festival (ADFF) which began last Thursday and will continue until Nov 1.
Photo Najeeb Mohmmed
The festival includes screening of 194 films from 61 countries, including nine feature-length world premieres.
Photo Najeeb Mohmmed
Priyanka lead the 'Magic of Bollywood' show which took place at the Emirates Palace.
Photo Najeeb Mohmmed
The show was choreographed by Ganesh Hegde and had an ensemble of 85 performers, including Elli Avram.
Photo Najeeb Mohmmed
Priyanka Chopra looked lovely on the ADFF red carpet in a Pankaj and Nidhi creation.
Photo Najeeb Mohmmed