Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma, who is starring as the lead actress in Aamir Khan's forthcoming film 'PK', unveiled her version of the now infamous 'transistor' poster in Mumbai on Thursday.
The fiesty lady was sporting a chic hairstyle and she seemed to carry her new short style with elan.
While the first Aamir Khan's naked picture on the 'PK' poster quickly attained the tag or 'notorious', the second poster was a tad uncontroversial. It had Aamir Khan dressed as a rajasthani folk artist. The third poster almost missed the radar, but it had both Aamir Khan and Sanjay Dutt on it. Finally, the female lead of 'PK' makes an entry on the posters series.
She shows up on the fourth and fifth poster. While in one Anushka can be seen wearing a plain T-Shirt and shorts, in the fifth poster, Anushka is dressed in a white long dress.
The film is scheduled for release on December 19.