Nirmala, center, is crowned Miss Wheelchair India beauty at the final of the contest in Mumbai, India. Fifteen disabled contestants took part in the event. (AP)
Nisha Gupta, in white, a participant embraces her sister backstage at the Miss Wheelchair India Beauty contest in Mumbai, India. Fifteen contestants took part in the event. (AP)
An Indian artist applies makeup on the face of a participant Komal Bora before she takes part in Miss Wheelchair India beauty contest in Mumbai, India. Fifteen contestants took part in the event. (AP)
An Indian artist applies makeup on a participant Gulista before she takes part in Miss Wheelchair India beauty contest in Mumbai, India. Fifteen disabled contestants took part in the event. (AP)
An Indian participant Nishtha Thakera, on wheelchair, speaks to her friend at backstage during the Miss Wheelchair India beauty contest in Mumbai, India. Fifteen disabled contestants took part in the event. (AP)
Participants wait backstage before the start of Miss Wheelchair India beauty contest in Mumbai, India. Fifteen disabled contestants took part in the event. (AP)
An Indian artist applies makeup on the face of a participant Madhu Bagri, left, as mother of another participant Anuradha Singh, right, helps her wear earrings before taking part in Miss Wheelchair India Beauty contest in Mumbai, India. Fifteen disabled contestants took part in the event. (AP)