Indian Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone poses as she attends the ‘Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards’ in Mumbai late November 14, 2013. (AFP)
Indian Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan poses as he attends the ‘Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards’ in Mumbai late November 14, 2013. (AFP)
Sri Lankan Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez poses as she attends the ‘Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards’ in Mumbai late November 14, 2013. (AFP)
Indian Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan poses as he attends the ‘Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards’ in Mumbai late November 14, 2013. (AFP)
Indian Bollywood actor Rajpal Yadav poses as he attends the ‘Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards’ in Mumbai late November 14, 2013. (AFP)
Indian Bollywood actor Prabhu Deva poses as he attends the ‘Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards’ in Mumbai late November 14, 2013. (AFP)
Indian Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan poses as he attends the ‘Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards’ in Mumbai late November 14, 2013. (AFP)