Steven Tyler, 66, attended the Stella McCartney show at Milan Fashion Week on Monday with his young personal assistant and rumoured girlfriend Aimee Preston close to his side. (Photo Getty Images)
Steven Tyler attends the Stella McCartney Garden Party during the Milan Fashion Week Menswear Spring/Summer 2015 in Milan, Italy. (Photo Getty Images)
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Katy Saunders, Giovanna Rei, Nathalie Dompe, Justine Mattera and Mariela Garriga (Photos Getty Images)
Viviana Volpicella, Eva Fontanelli, Wayne Maser, Sasha Gambaccini, Laura Gauthier and Anna Maga Visconti (Photos Getty Images)
Stella McCartney, Margherita Missoni, Candela Novembre, Margareth Made and Goga Ashkenazi (Photos Getty Images)