Indian Bollywood personalities (L-R) Nandita Das, film director and writer Tanuja Chandra, sctress Rituparna Sengupta and Divya Bhushan Kumar attend the annual celebration of Women in Film and Television Association India (WIFT) honouring the 61st National Award for Women Achievers in Mumbai on May 9, 2014. (AFP)
Indian Bollywood actress Rituparna Sengupta attends the annual celebration of Women in Film and Television Association India (WIFT) honouring the 61st National Award for Women Achievers in Mumbai on May 9, 2014. (AFP)
Indian film director and writer Tanuja Chandra (L) and Bollywood actress and film director Nandita Das attend the annual celebration of Women in Film and Television Association India (WIFT) honouring the 61st National Award for Women Achievers in Mumbai on May 9, 2014. (AFP)
Indian Bollywood actress Pallavi Sharda attends the annual celebration of Women in Film and Television Association India (WIFT) honouring the 61st National Award for Women Achievers in Mumbai on May 9, 2014. (AFP)
Indian Bollywood actress Pallavi Sharda attends the annual celebration of Women in Film and Television Association India (WIFT) honouring the 61st National Award for Women Achievers in Mumbai on May 9, 2014. (AFP)
Indian Bollywood personalities Imran Khan (L) and Mausmi Makhija attend the annual celebration of Women in Film and Television Association India (WIFT) honouring the 61st National Award for Women Achievers in Mumbai on May 9, 2014. (AFP)
Indian Bollywood actress Mausmi Makhija attends the annual celebration of Women in Film and Television Association India (WIFT) honouring the 61st National Award for Women Achievers in Mumbai on May 9, 2014. (AFP)